Tag Archives: Urotsukidōji

Movie Review: Urotsukidōji V: The Final Chapter

Urotsukidoji V

Released: 1996
Genre: Anime / Horror
IMDB Rating: 6.1 / 10

For a while there I thought this day would never come. After more than a year of subjecting myself to a never-ending barrage of penis tornadoes, Nazi death rape machines, incest-not-incest, and Orgies By Infants™, I’m finally free! I have borne witness to things that no person, Japanese or otherwise, should to be subjected to (the inhuman things that Russian women were offering to do for and to me while I was trying to find subtitles alone would make your hair stand on end). With the closing credits to Urotsukidōji V: The Final Chapter I rid myself of this evil and draw to an end this protracted attack on my psyche!

Giving birth is a beautiful miracle.

Giving birth is a beautiful miracle.

The Plot

Unlike the other installments in this franchise, which were complete if nonsensical, part 5 was scrapped before it was finished, so what we have here is the beginning of a story without an end, and it’s got some major retconning it wants to do in its 50 or so minutes of runtime.

Remember the Overfiend from all the previous installments? Wrong! That wasn’t the Overfiend. That was a false Overfiend sent from the Demon Realm to fool us into something something something. In order to make itself more powerful it tried to steal the Lord of Chaos’ power by sexing it out of her. Himi (the Lord of Chaos) isn’t one to be out-sexed, however, and launches a counter sex attack and steals all of his power instead. The false Overfiend vanquished and its powers slowly dripping down Himi’s thigh the Lord of Chaos vanishes, never to bog down the new story line again.

So where does that leave us? Somehow through a series of explanations that really didn’t make any sense Amano (our always lovely anti-hero) finds himself staring out at the same evening from the end of the first installment: Nagumo, in the form of the Destroyer Demon, is busy destroying the world, Akemi’s still pregnant with the Overfiend, and demons are running around raping and killing everything in sight. BUT! while it is still the exact same evening, 100 years have also passed, and the true Overfiend is ready to be born.

I don't remember buying these...

I don’t remember buying these…

In a manner truly becoming of the Urotsukidōji series the Overfiend isn’t so much born as it is orgasmed out of Akemi in a truly bizarre and green-tinged birthing/self-pleasure scene. Her duties fulfilled Amano moves to save Akemi and return her to a normal life (in a world that’s being blown to pieces), but the Overfiend isn’t done with any of them yet.

The true Overfiend has grown tired of the Humans, Beasts, and Demons, and has decided to pit these three against one another until they bring about their own mutually assured extinction. In their place the Overfiend wants to leave his new race: the Messengers of Imagination. This race is neither male nor female but at the same time is both. What I mean by this is that they have masculine and feminine features (a very feminine face but a flat masculine chest, for example) and no demonstrable genitalia. No demonstrable genitalia, that is, unless they want to have sex, in which case they can grow whatever they want and swap between the two at will. They also speak to one another by making a noise that sounds like a very sexy and seductive pigeon.

Naturally Amano isn’t about to just hand over the collapsing world to these oddly ravishing creatures in their skin-tight pink outfits who keep falling from the sky out of the Overfiend’s vagina spaceship. The war to save the three warring races from the new genocidal race is on (and we’re never going to find out how it ends)!

I always knew our end would come in the form of pink spandex.

I always knew our end would come in the form of pink spandex.

The Visuals

The whole thing harks back to the first installment in terms of its graphic depiction of violence and general sexual depravity, so a lot of whether you’re going to enjoy The Final Chapter hinges on whether or not you enjoyed where the story began.

What does become an issue is that not only was the story left unfinished, this actual episode was unfinished as well. As a result the animation is rather choppy, with in-between frames missing which leaves the action happening on-screen jumping around a little bit. It also relies a fair bit on re-using scenes from previous installments (again, primarily the first one) to pad out its runtime. Given that the style shifted and changed slightly over the years, added to the unpolished veneer of its own animation, what you’re left with can, at times, be a somewhat jarring backwards and forwards in terms of quality.

We call this position 'the tantric apocalypse'.

We call this position ‘the tantric apocalypse’.

The Feelings

Oddly disappointed.

Over the course of the depravity that is Urotsukidōji I have come, the unnerving father animatronic-daughter sex scene aside, to appreciate this series for what it is. This story, and particularly the new race of beings it introduced, had a lot of potential. Squelchy potential, mind you, but potential none the less. For the first time I was actually quite interested to see where they wanted to go with the story, and it seems a tad bit unfair that by the time I eventually get into what I’m watching they decide that they don’t want to do anything with it anymore. I guess that’s just how the cookie crumbles sometimes, and believe me, many cookies have crumbled over the course of this franchise.

So, to reiterate: it’s done! It’s finally done! Never again will I be subjected to a… what’s that?… I’m sorry, I must have misheard you. I could’ve sworn that you… The New Saga?! YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDD… We’ll be right back.

My Final Rating: 5 / 10

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Posted by on August 31, 2016 in Movie Review


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Movie Review: Urotsukidōji IV: Inferno Road

Urotsukidoji IV

Released: 1995
Genre: Anime / Horror
IMDB Rating: 5.7 / 10

The road to hell, as some would have you believe, is paved with good intentions. Having concluded my viewing of Urotsukidōji part four (armed with parasol, wet wipes and some Dettol to be on the safe side) I must argue that the road to hell is actually paved with semen and the sundered flesh of the innocent, with my morbid curiosity providing all the heavy machinery necessary to get us there.

I was very wary going into this, firstly because Return of the Overfiend had made my skin crawl and secondly because, from what I’d read online, Inferno Road is meant to be the most shocking and distasteful of the entire franchise. Now it’s absolutely true that Inferno Road is completely shocking and distasteful, but to my… um… I suppose “relief” will have to do here… it’s shocking and distasteful in the same way as the original Legend of the Overfiend. It’s a niche little title that won’t be to everyone’s taste, but at this point my standards are so low the fact that it didn’t have any incest-not-incest in it was enough to keep me going.

Just your average 10-year-old's birthday orgy.

Just your average 10-year-old’s birthday orgy.

The Plot

Thankfully this one was a lot easier to follow than its predecessor.

Picking up right where Return of the Overfiend left us, Buju, Himi (the Lord of Chaos) and the rest of the gang are on their way to Osaka to see the Overfiend, either to stop his deadly rampage or to help him with his deadly rampage – I don’t really have clarity on this point. Along the way Buju, Himi and old man Gashim get separated from the rest of the group and land up in a mysterious city blanketed in a very ominous bank of fog and ruled over by some even more ominous children. Unperturbed by the kids’ incredible psychic capabilities our little gang follows them back to their home for a little rest and respite before continuing with their arduous journey.

And nothing will give you the rest you need quite like an orgy comprised of the children’s parents, watched over and organised by the children themselves. Heading up this group of insanely powerful and malicious hell spawn are brothers Ellus and Phallus. While adulthood brings with it the apparent promise of enormous breasts, unending amounts of testosterone and the inability to feel pain during intercourse, for these kids it also means an end to their psychic abilities, and the brothers just won’t have that. To retain their youth they need to kill Himi and drink her blood; given that she’s more or less developed PTSD from witnessing the never-ending orgies and Buju’s too busy taking part in the never-ending orgies to be of any use the brothers may just be in with a shot to pull off their nefarious plan.

This story arc takes up the majority of the first two episodes (“The Secret Garden” and “The Long Road to God”) of this part of the OVA. It doesn’t add to the overall plot of the Overfiend and his plans in any great way, but it’s disturbingly entertaining nevertheless.

Well here's a kind of renewable energy the government doesn't want you to know about...

Well here’s a kind of renewable energy the government doesn’t want you to know about…

The third episode (The End of the Journey) picks up after Buju and co. manage to get out of the city of hell children and resume their journey to Osaka. Since most of the path to Osaka has been turned into a godless wasteland from a junkie’s worst acid trip they decide that air travel will be the best way to get there, and commandeer a Hell Worm to get them airborne. A Hell Worm’s a little like an Overlord from Starcraft except instead of listening to the Overmind it lives on the life essence and vaginal juices of abducted women.

Of course a trip to Osaka in an squirt-powered flesh balloon wouldn’t be complete without some kind of epic battle going down. Amano, our beloved anti-hero, has been floating around since we first came upon the evil children but hasn’t been doing awfully much. Now it’s his time to shine! Since Münchhausen II just cannot give it a fucking rest he decides to magically/sexually share his powers with Yoenki, the sister of Suikakujū from Legend of the Overfiend. Yoenki’s mad as hell at Amano for killing her brother, so the two of them have to duke it out while Buju and Gashim try to escape from a demon in the middle of the Hell Worm, Münchhausen II tries to abduct Himi in order to kill the Overfiend, and Himi battles with that very difficult time in every young woman’s life – her first period.

Reading over that it doesn’t sound like it makes a whole lotta sense, but if you watch it it’s done in such a way that you just might buy it.

Fashion at the 2055 Royal Wedding!

Fashion at the 2055 Royal Wedding!

The Visuals

Whatever Return of the Overfiend lacked, Inferno Road makes up for it. This entry just looked a lot more polished and put together, with the animation having a little more life to it than in previous installments.

And that’s just as well, because you can’t enjoy the sheer visceral horror that is Inferno Road without a little spit and polish. Without said spit and polish you wouldn’t be able to fully partake in the sensory assault of penis tails, penis appendages, penis tubes, penis tentacles and occasionally, when you least expect it, a regular human penis. And the less said about that one vagina that can warp space and time around it the better…

It’s a far cry from HD but for the early- to mid- 90s it’s about as close as your going to get.

She's overcome with the vapours.

She’s overcome with the vapours.

The Feelings

Mildly concerned that I contracted a strain of demonic gonorrhea, but reasonably entertained anyway.

I’m certain that Inferno Road should have left me feeling queasy and with a need to scrub my skin until it turned bright red before I felt clean again. The problem is that, between the four installments of this franchise and the terrible books I subject myself to, I think I’ve become so completely desensitised that nothing that happened in this approximately two-hour adventure could hurt me.

On an academic level I can tell you that what was flashing before my eyes was nothing but filth and general queefage, but like with a crying baby at midnight my mind chose to block it out and keep going. Stripped of that emotional impact what you’re left with is a heavily inappropriate story that, despite its overall weirdness, has a decent plot and characters that are more than just 2D sex dolls.

My Final Rating: 5 / 10
Buy Urotsukidōji IV: Inferno Road at

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Posted by on November 12, 2015 in Movie Review


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Movie Review: Urotsukidōji III: Return of the Overfiend

Return of the Overfiend

Released: 1993
Genre: Anime / Horror
IMDB Rating: 5.9 / 10

In this crazy world of tolerance, multiculturalism, political correctness, sensitivity, social justice warriors, and otherkin, we are taught that the most important thing in appreciating one another is to recognise what we have in common rather than focusing on the things that make us different. Now, you be wondering what possible commonality could be found in this pile of tentacle rape, robotic rape, tail rape, demon rape and, just to mix things up, normal rape rape. You see, despite the many differences between Western and Japanese culture, we share one common thing that unites all living things on this planet: when it comes to making the third installment of anything, we always screw it up spectacularly.

Put your tit away Palutena!

Put your tit away Palutena!

The Plot

If you’re going to watch this I suggest keeping a notebook close at hand, because there’s a metric shit-ton of plot that you need to keep track of.

Taking place after the events of the previous two OVAs, 20 years have passed since Nagumo turned into a terrifying demon and began his complete destruction of the three realms so that the Overfiend could create them anew. Akemi’s still good and pregnant over in Osaka, but something goes horribly wrong and the Overfiend is born 100 years too early. He senses that, despite Münchhausen II’s failed experiments, the Lord of Chaos has been born in the East (although, given that this takes place in Japan, I’m not sure how much more east you could go). The Overfiend summons Amano to protect him and hunt down the Lord of Chaos.

Meanwhile, over in the East, the terrible ravages of the apocalypse don’t seem to have been all that terrible. Society continues, albeit in a more terrified and constantly sexed-up kind of way. The apocalypse has also given rise to the Demon Beasts, a hybrid of the denizens of the three realms. Even in the apocalypse humans won’t let go of racism as a well-loved pass time, and these creatures are forced to live in near squaller or in forced labour camps run by the notorious tyrant Caesar.

Caesar’s a bit power mad. After discovering some ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs under the basement of a Japanese hotel and by hacking into a NASA computer (I’m not kidding) he’s managed to decipher to Overfiend’s prophecy, and wants to thwart its power and rebuild the realms himself. To do this he must defeat the Overfiend, which will require getting the demon Faburil to merge with the baby Lord of Chaos.

A mechanical penis is not a play thing.

A mechanical penis is not a play thing.

Thrown into all of this madness is Caesar’s absolute pride and joy (until he rapes her later on), his daughter Alector. A one-time human and now reanimated robot (meaning that the aforementioned rape isn’t technically incest), Alector yearns to be free from her father’s tyrannical love. She enlists the help of Demon Beast Buju, granting him his freedom from Caesar’s palace in exchange for her roughly-taken virginity. Following a complicated deflowering ritual in a Buddhist shrine they become the Lord of Chaos’ surrogate parents and accidentally reawaken Nagumo, who once again goes on a rampage in an attempt to protect his own little demonic offspring.

In essence, what happens next is:

  • Buju saves the Lord of Chaos from Caesar and Münchhausen II and kind of prevents her assimilation with Faburil but doesn’t.
  • Alector, once again resurrected after being accidentally killed outside the Buddhist temple, escapes her father’s many tentacles.
  • The Demon Beasts launch a revolt against Caesar.
  • The Demon Beasts rape ever female under Caesar’s command.
  • Most of the Demon Beasts are horribly murdered by the Genocydroid D-9, a human with many robot parts whose backstory isn’t really explained.
  • Münchhausen II launches an atomic attack on Osaka.
  • The Overfiend uses a reanimated pile of corpses to have sex with Megumi, somehow giving him the power to attack Münchhausen II and Faburil.
  • The Lord of Chaos doesn’t seem to notice any of this and just cries a lot.
  • Caesar is eventually defeated.
  • Alector forgets that her father brutally assaulted her and launches herself into space with his head clutched to her bosom.
  • Buju, the Lord of Chaos, a few Demon Beasts and the Genocydroid head off to Osaka to have a chat with the Overfiend.

The End. At least until I have to watch the next one.

Still not entirely clear on what the hell this thing is.

Still not entirely clear on what the hell this thing is.

The Visuals

Unlike the previous two, everything was not suitably animated in this one. Some things were beautifully animated, although most of what was being animated wasn’t beautiful (i.e. they put all their effort into the sex scenes). The rest of it looked a bit slapdash if I’m being honest.

This one was also a lot less grotesque and full of horror than the first two, opting instead to replace the horror with sex. Now, there was never a doubt in my mind that what was happening on-screen was incredibly damp and clammy, but if you come here looking for a lot of misshapen demons and gallons upon gallons of blood you’re going to be sorely disappointed.

Well I'm so glad someone's enjoying this.

Well I’m so glad someone’s enjoying this.

The Feelings


Don’t get me wrong, the first two installments in this little franchise were absolutely laden with gratuitous and violent sexual scenes, but watching this I realised what made it fundamentally different from its predecessors. In the first two the sex can be divided up roughly like this:

  • Consensual: Humans and humans, or Beasts and virtually anything.
  • Non-consensual: Demons and humans.

I have no moral objection to the first category, and in the second the sexual violence added to the sheer animosity and horror of the denizens of the demon realm, rather than just being there for the sake of it.

Watching the sex scenes in this installment, however, just made me uncomfortable. That’s because it largely forgoes anything horrific and instead throws in scene after scene after scene of sexual degradation. These scenes are too long and do nothing for the story other than to pad it out; the scene with Alector and Caesar was particularly difficult to watch. I’m not a prude and I’m not easily shocked, but even for me there’s a line and Return of the Overfiend took a running head start and leaped clear over it.

My discomfort with the sex scenes aside, the story here is also so convoluted that it’s virtually impossible to keep track of. Characters and events are thrown in without explanation and then thrown back out just as quickly, while the key points from the earlier installments aren’t expanded upon in any great way.

My interest was really piqued with this series, but it’s quickly going to fade if Return of the Overfiend is any indication of where this story’s going.

My Final Rating: 3 / 10
Buy Urotsukidōji III: Return of the Overfiend at

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Posted by on September 10, 2015 in Movie Review


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Movie Review: Urotsukidōji II: Legend of the Demon Womb

Legend of the Demon Womb

Released: 1991
Genre: Anime / Horror
IMDB Rating: 6 / 10

Fun fact about my personality: if I watch, read or play something and vaguely enjoy the story or my interest is piqued by its mythos, I will not rest until I have seen, read or played everything in that series to satisfy my curiosity. This means, since I did enjoy Legend of the Overfiend in a way that I can’t quite describe without sounding like I may be a danger to the public, that there’s gonna be a whole lotta demon sex going on in my lounge while I wade my way through the not insignificant number of Urotsukidōji OVAs.

Sadly Legend of the Demon Womb did not live up to the blood-gushing heights of its predecessor. It isn’t that it’s bad (although that word must be applied very subjectively when dealing with these movies) and on its own it could stand vag-to-vag with a lot of hentai that’s out there. It’s just that the psychological trauma isn’t quite as blunt with this one as it was in the first one, for reasons that I’ll detail as I go along.

Twitchy lil' fucker...

Twitchy lil’ fucker…

The Plot

Because context is everything, it’s important that we know where Legend of the Demon Womb takes place in the grand scheme of all the damp demon sex that’s going on. Thankfully no one is entirely convinced about where this one slots in, so I took it to be an interquel that happens at some point in the early part of Legend of the Overfiend.

We already know that the mortal realm is made up of humans and the Japanese, but one can easily forget that we share this domain with another nefarious group of creatures: Germans. Back in 1944, in an attempt to regain the edge over his enemies, Hitler hired Dr Münchhausen to build the ultimate weapon: the death rape machine. By strapping several buxom females with nipples so pointy they could cut diamonds to the machine and having it sex them good Dr Münchhausen hopes to summon the Lord of Chaos, the Overfiend’s nemesis. Unfortunately the timing, like the ejaculation of a man who’s been waiting too long, was premature, the women are over-death raped and the machine blows up, taking out half of Berlin with it.

Cut to the present day and Takeaki Kiryu, Tatsuo Nagumo’s cousin, is flying into whatever god-forsaken part of Japan Nagumo lives in to pay his family a visit. Suddenly, and quite without warning, the plane is attacked by demons and their horde of tentacles, and Takeaki is the only survivor of that ill-fated flight that saw his parents melted and absorbed into tentacles before his very eyes.

In a twist of fate that isn’t a twist and has nothing to do with fate Münchhausen II is on the scene. Having witnessed his father’s untimely death in the warm glow of burning buxom ladies, he’s decided that he will be the one to awaken the Lord of Chaos. By transfusing Nagumo’s Overfiend-laden blood into Takeaki he gets the ball rolling on bringing the Lord of Chaos into this realm, with Takeaki as the Lord’s vessel.

This woman's spine was the unsung hero of the story.

This woman’s spine was the unsung hero of the story.

Much like Nagumo during his early transformation, Takeaki isn’t entirely clear on what’s happening when he starts to turn into a malicious hell beast from the darkest realms of Japanese imagination. Thankfully Megumi’s back to help Takeaki out when his sheer manliness catches her attention and causes her vagina to swell with well-lubricated lust. Being a beast her powers will come in very handy as Takeaki learns of his destiny and gradually grows a horn through his eye. Amano’s also floating around, but he’s decided to take it easy in this movie and have sex with a weird nymph thing in a pond of lava instead of trying to collapse the three realms. Points to him though for making her cum so hard that it rips the fabric of space-time apart and reveals visions of the future…

Of course it wouldn’t be a real story without a love triangle, and Takeaki’s not the only one after Megumi’s dripping cave of wonders. Münchhausen II’s gone and recruited Kohōki, a demon that was once banished to hell, to help him awaken the Lord of Chaos. What young Münchhausen didn’t expect, however, was that Kohōki and Megumi had a bit of a thing a few centuries back, and he still carries a bit of a flame for her. So much so that his three penises all want to vie for space in her uterus. Trust me. You get to see it. Internally. And when his penises need a break from all that sexual collaboration, they’ll work separately as Kohōki abducts women to power up a second death rape machine…

As time runs out and even Megumi’s dewy nether lips need a breather, will Takeaki and Nagumo’s familial bond be enough to keep the Overfiend and the Lord of Chaos from wreaking untold destruction on the world and on Japan? Probably not, not with such a well calibrated death rape machine doing all of the summoning.

Ever squirted so hard you became desiccated?

Ever squirted so hard you became desiccated?

The Visuals

I’m still not in any way knowledgeable enough in the various proficiencies of Japanese anime to judge this movie with any confidence, but much like the original everything seemed to be suitably animated.

What was a bit of a let down with this when compared to its predecessor is that it wasn’t quite as visceral or disturbing, either when it came to the gore or to the sex. It’s there and it’s entirely unnatural when it happens, but it does feel like the people who made it needed a bit of a break after Legend of the Overfiend and decided to tone everything down a little.

You've got something in your eye there...

You’ve got something in your eye there…

The Feelings


Half the point of watching this was because I wanted to see a continuation of the sheer visual assault on my senses that happened during Legend of the Overfiend. The other reason was because Tropical Mary and I decided, since the planets had aligned for Women’s Day and the Lord’s Day to fall on the same day, that this would be a suitable way of celebrating both those things.

Granted this installment was only made up of two episodes (‘A Prayer for the Resurrection of the Lord of Chaos’ and ‘Battle at Shinjuku Skyscrapers’), which means it had less time to get its story out, but I just wasn’t wowed like I was by the first. I’m not sure if it’s because I was desensitised by the Legend of the Overfiend, if I’d psyched myself up too much before I watched this, or if it was just a little lacklustre, but nothing about it shocked me. It was very paint by numbers demon hentai, if such a thing can be said. It also doesn’t add anything to the original story or enhance your understanding of the events leading up to the Overfiend’s awakening, and its ending makes its entire story arc moot.

For Legend of the Overfiend I needed to wear a rain coat to get through all of the bodily fluids that were being thrown at the screen, but the same trip can be made through Legend of the Demon Womb with little more than a light parasol. Much like when I lamented the shortness of Voyage to the Milky Way it isn’t that I necessarily wanted it to be more awful or revolting than it was, but I’d girded my loins for a lot of demon sex and human offal, and I just didn’t get my money’s worth with this one.

My Final Rating: 4 / 10
Buy Legend of the Demon Womb at

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Posted by on August 14, 2015 in Movie Review


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Movie Review: Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend

Legend of the OverfiendReleased: 1989
Genre: Anime / Horror
IMDB Rating: 6.4 / 10

Not one to be outdone by Tropical Mary’s tree and tentacle rape book reviews, I found myself sitting one day thinking about what would be better/more horrific than reading about tentacle rape, and inspiration struck me: watching tentacle rape! As luck would have it I recalled watching Legend of the Overfiend as a teenager, and thought that my now slightly more warped adult mind would be up to the task of watching this movie. I not only regret having this thought, but I rue and lament it as well. Having spent the better part of three hours watching this, it became abundantly clear that the version my teenage self had seen was a somewhat more heavily censored version than what now lay before me on the TV screen.

But no matter what else I may feel about this movie (and right now I’m feeling a lot), I must give it absolute credit for being the moistest thing to ever grace my TV screen.

Those are all penises.

Those are all penises.

The Plot

While I refer to this as a movie for the sake of simplicity, the original animation was actually developed as three separate episodes (‘Birth of the Overfiend’, ‘Curse of the Overfiend’ and ‘Final Inferno’) between 1987 and 1989 which form one continuous narrative.

In the beginning the Japanese had a very different word to the one us Westerners are perhaps more accustomed to. Existence is made up of three realms: the realm of humans and the Japanese (my distinction, not the movie’s), the realm of the beasts, and the realm of the demons. Legend tells of the birth of the Overfiend, a creature of unimaginable power (and penis tornadoes) that will awaken after 3000 years to bring the three realms together as one united kingdom.

Our story begins with Tatsuo Nagumo masturbating in a girl’s locker room (which really sets the tone for the next two hours). Any of the flouncing fannies is enough to get our lecherous protagonist going, but he’s really got a thing going for Akemi Ito, who at first glance looks a bit like the old-school Princess Peach if Princess Peach ran a brothel.

After being humiliated in the middle of a basketball game and having blood licked off his face by Ozaki, the university’s studly and ultra-viral star player, Nagumo sees Akemi being taken into a classroom by a teacher. Here what started out as reasonably inappropriate teacher-pupil lesbian sex quickly devolves into exceptionally inappropriate demon-human lesbian(?) sex with more phallus-like tubes going into orifices (some of which I’m not convinced women actually have) that you could ever dream of. It is here that Nagumo meets Amano, a super-powerful being from the beast realm who quickly dispatches the teacher and her(?) various appendages. Confused and disoriented by what’s happened Akemi falls madly in love with Nagumo, believing that he was the one that saved her. And by ‘falling madly in love’, I mean ‘he’s going to finger her A LOT’.

Do you have a moment to speak about our Lord and Destroyer the Overfiend?

Do you have a moment to speak about our Lord and Destroyer the Overfiend?

Amano has been roaming the Earth for 300 years awaiting the Overfiend’s revival, convinced that its merging of the three realms will create a new and better existence for all creatures, whether they have one penis or many thousands. He’s accompanied by his nymphomaniac sister Megumi and horny little assistant Kuroko.

When it becomes apparent that Nagumo is the being destined to be reawakened as the Overfiend everything starts to go a bit tits-up (and tits down, tits swinging, tits dangling, tits grabbing, tits squeezing, tits licking etc.). The humans and the Japanese don’t know anything about this age-old struggle, but the beasts and the demons aren’t too keen on the Overfiend coming into existence since each likes their own little realm as it is, and the demons call on Suikakujū to destroy Nagumo before the Overfiend rises. To this end Suikakujū goes to a beaten little toad of a man called Niki who was recently left guarding a university lesbian orgy while only being allowed to lick a foot. In exchange for his soul he is gifted a demonic penis which gives him power beyond comprehension and semen more corrosive than acid, which he will use to kidnap Akemi from Nagumo.

This too goes a bit tits-up (literally – during a demonic battle Akemi’s busy masturbating in exchange for Nagumo to be spared) and the Overfiend is eventually awakened. Chaos ensues when the three realms are collapsed into one another, with humans and Japanese alike being subjected to the somewhat niche sexual tastes of the demons.

Amano, meanwhile, has since learned from the Elder Beast that the legend of the Overfiend may not in fact be entirely true, and the promise of a better world may first entail unimaginable (and damp) horror and destruction before a better existence can be brought about. With the help of his sister he must discover the truth of the Overfiend and its purpose before all of existence decays to such an extent that even inter-dimensional orgies won’t be enough to save it.

The number of foursomes taking place in Japan seem alarmingly above the global average.

The number of foursomes taking place in Japan seem alarmingly above the global average.

The Visuals

To be honest I’m not an expert when it comes to the various proficiencies of Japanese anime, but broadly speaking everything seemed to be suitably animated.

When it came to the blood and gore it was absolutely visceral in a way that only the Japanese can manage. Everyone has the blood content of several normal human beings, there are teeth and organs flying every which way and everything makes this slightly awful tearing sound when it breaks.

There’s not much to be said for the Beasts since they are generally just super-powered humans, but the demons were incredibly well done. None of them looked alike, with some on the slightly more humanoid side of things while others were just complete abominations.

And then there’s the sex. So much sex. Most people wouldn’t believe that every fold, nook and cranny of a vagina could be animated to such an extent, but the Legend of the Overfiend will succeed at proving you wrong. Coupled with the general moistness that imbues every sex scene (which, in essence, is every scene in the movie) absolutely no expense was spared in ensuring that the sex scenes were done to every pervert’s absolute delight and satisfaction.

It's always best to leave the party before things get to this point.

It’s always best to leave the party before things get to this point.

The Feelings

This is tricky.

On the face of it Legend of the Overfiend is a completely disgusting affair which delights in obscene sex and gratuitous levels of violence that would leave the vast majority of those on Tumblr in need of heart medication. I myself felt that I might need to wear a rain coat to get to the end for fear of being drenched in bodily fluids.

The fact of the matter, however, is that that’s exactly what the movie sets out to do – it’s meant to be shocking, disgusting and horrifying, and going in with any other expectations are going to leave you in a rather sorry state if you make it to the end (even going in with the right expectations will leave you mildly stunned).

By the time the end rolled round and I’d become reasonably desensitised to the ongoing murder and vaginal intrusions forever being thrust at me what I was pleasantly surprised to discover was that there’s actually a reasonably decent story going on in the midst of the clammy chaos. Not a story for the ages, mind you, but a good enough one that makes Legend of the Overfiend something other than just violent and sexual for the sake of it.

Would I recommend this to everyone? No. Would I recommend this to parents of children you don’t like? Maybe. Would I recommend it to those with morbid curiosity who won’t find it odd when a human female literally explodes from being over sexed? Absolutely.

My Final Rating: 6 / 10
Buy Legend of the Overfiend on



Posted by on July 10, 2015 in Movie Review


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